Eli Yamin Quartet in concert
It’s amazing to receive this bulletin from our trip last Spring to Montenegro with the quartet and Nora’s Ark. What an unbelievable time that was!
And now I’m excited to be returning to Idaho on Monday for my third trip to participate in the Lionel Hampton International Jazz Festival. It’s an amazing festival with 8,000 kids from all over the northwest and top jazz acts from all over the world. Best thing is, I get to create with some of these kids–from the University of Idaho, and from nearby schools in workshops in Free Improvisation, Jazz Culture and Swing Rhythm and Jazz and Drama–The Jazz Drama Program on the road. We will be doing excerpts from our new musical Holding the Torch For Liberty about the culmination of the women’s suffrage movement with original early jazz/ragtime style music. It’s going to be a hoot!!!
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